The notion of 'beauty' has been playing on my mind recently. Probably a combination of:
a) reading on a forum that one girls blog was doing better than another girls blog because the first girl was better looking than the second. Are we really that shallow?? (and who honestly is competitive about blogging?)
b) Trawling through Facehunter one day, I realised that all of the people featured on there were spectacularly beautiful. It may have taken me awhile but to be completely honest, I don't really notice their faces... I'm too busy looking at the outfit combinations. Does he only take pictures of gorgeous people or are gorgeous people more confident/daring style-wise because they don't have self esteem issues?
All photos - Facehunter
What is beauty?
To a certain extent I believe it is power. Personally, people who appear flawless scare the hell out of me and I try to keep away from them. In my experience, they are usually fully aware of their looks and will use them in anyway they can.
But is beauty all there is? Hopefully not. I hope that the second girl finds readers who love her for who she is and what she writes and she learns to be comfortable with that. Secondly, it's not always classically beautiful people who make some of the best style choices - look at Nan Kempner, Diana Vreeland. These women were amazingly fashionable but not necessarily the definition of beauty.
Just to share, some of my favourite style icons who don't fit into the 'classic' definition of beauty -
Karen O of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Karen O of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Patricia Field and Vivienne Westwood
Cory Kennedy
Please feel free to share some of your 'out of the box' style icons! It's actually really hard to come up with people who aren't your typical gorgeous celebrity and who still have some sembleance of style. The other thing I think is that the concept of beauty is something that is so personal.
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