Um, long time no post? Long story. In short, I was house hopping and staying with different friends and didn't have internet access. Basically, my week consisted of watching Korean soap operas, killing -2 people on Star Wars, playing tag in an empty movie theater, having a sleepover with a preschooler, constructing fabric trees, clinging to dear life when the Joker was being creepy, riding 30 year old bikes, being mistaken for a boy, and chasing 2nd graders for not smiling.
And how are you?

Thrift thrift thrift thrift
Dress: Gap, everything else: thrift

Put those fangs away.
Thrift thrift thrift.I attached a hacky sack Caroline (WHO IS HOME! YESS!!!) gave me to a gold chain. Intense.
Thrift thrift DIY.
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