Breaking News
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Info Post
Some of the things that will be in the store in the next few days:

Top to bottom: Black Knitted Vest, Blue Crocheted Blouse, Red Crocheted Vest.

That's a whole lot of crocheted, knitted and vest. Perfect for these transitional months, don't you think???

So, I'm back. I had a work trip for most of the week and no internet access and then when I came back last night I was socialising. But I promise, that I'll try to get back to posting at least once every two days! My outfit posts will sadly be down but I'm thinking of trying to have more different types of posts - blogger interviews, why this outfit works posts, more I bought posts (which I'm sure there will be a heap of) and just some general things I'm loving posts.

I'm really interested to hear from you guys about what you'd like me to write more/less of. I just like writing and I suck a little bit at planning. So any help would be greatly appreciated!


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