Frosty mornings call for extra cuddles between snooze alarms and several cups of hot tea. It also calls for scarves, mittens and sitting in the backyard with Lola.
Moreso, I hope it will involve e-bay packages containing cameras and a three way cuddle with the kitty, pup and myself.
After all that, the kid (lola) and i are heading over to my Grandmaman's apartment to shorten two dresses I bought and make (more) tea and look through old photo albums. I have to go move some couch for a girl tonight as a result of a really strange craigslist sale I made, and then it's back to the homestead to rent Marie-Antoinette and get really really excited to visit Versailles!
It's 38 days untill take off and I'm actually getting ridiculously impatient! I really want to put together the perfect wardrobe full of layers and warm tights and cute little low heels to prance around in while Mike plays paparazzi. I also want to bundle up and drink wine on a staircase in mont martre and take super touristy bus tours of Barcelona. I want to fall asleep on a bench in a train station and freak out when we hit up the Jacques Cousteau museum/aquarium in Monaco!
Anyhoo, life at the coop is still incredibly sweet. I am obsessed with cleaning it and adding little touches here and there. Stef is the most wonderful roomie (which i already knew but has been emphasized since we live alone in an untainted space) and everytime i hear the front door open my tail starts to wag! I just want to make her presents all the time and leave them in cute little packaging on her bed! :)
Let's do fondoooo!
Today is a day for toast and tea
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