Breaking News
Monday, March 10, 2008

Info Post

This has been a loooooong time coming, but there's a good back story, and it goes something like this: Several months ago, shortly before I left Singapore, I got a call from Bina, the lovely co-proprietor behind the fabulous Singapore bag and accessories shop Quintessential {now in a new Pacific Plaza location}. I stopped by there often -- both to drool and to check out their constant influx of cool new pieces for work purposes -- and it was there (if you remember) that I had first discovered fab San Francisco artist/designer Liz Saintsing, who creates instantly covetable, one-of-a-kind accessories by silkscreening gorgeously eye-catching graphics onto vintage bags, gloves and other finds.

Well, Bina had remembered my love for Liz and had managed to procure me an *amazing* pair of Liz's signature silk-screened vintage evening gloves, direct from the designer herself. I was absolutely floored. They are just perfect, a lightweight long glove in classic white with bold turquoise and red ostrich images printed on them. (One glove has a tiny, perfect blue chick on the inside arm as well.) They are also, completely and utterly heartbreakingly, too small for my big ole hands. I hemmed and hawed over what to do about that—just display them on my vanity? [er, if I owned a vanity?]; start hand exercises in hopes of one day squeezing into the gloves? -- but eventually, I realized that things as beautiful as these deserve to be worn, and -- with Liz's blessing -- have decided to offer them to one of you.

Now, we didn't want to have a contest limited to only small-handed people, so we're throwing in a second item so those of you with large hands like us have the chance to win something too. It's this lovely little vintage box purse with a translucent resin handle -- the perfect, 60s-Jackie O.-style cocktail party accessory. We unearthed it during one of our vintage excursions and would love to see it go to a good, retro-loving home.**

Okay, here is the most important part:
To enter the contest, you must:
(1.) Choose if you would like to be entered for the gloves or the bag. It's a difficult choice, I know, but go with your gut (and take into account the size of your hands. If I had to guess, I'd say the gloves were a medium.)
(2.) Tell us where/how you would wear the bag or the gloves. Be creative! (Although, if you're not feeling particularly creative, don't sweat it too much. We're not judging you on innovation; we'll actually just pick a name out of a hat.) This is purely for all our reading pleasure, but we'd also like to be sure they are going to a worthy home.
(3.) Tell us your name, age, and location. We're opening this up to international readers, and we will do our best to send the winning items to wherever you may be in the world. Unless you live somewhere like Zimbabwe, which might be prohibitively expensive, but I'm sure we'll work something out.
(4.) Sit back and wait and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck!

Here is a sample entry of our own, just so we're clear:
"Gloves, please.
I can't imagine anything more perfect that pairing these gloves with an Audrey-esque LBD, ropes and ropes of pearls, tiny black heels and a little pillbox hat and heading for proper cocktails at somewhere fabulously aged and retro, like the Raffles Hotel in Singapore or the Mayflower in D.C. Naturally, I'd call everyone "lovey" and "dear" and "jeeves" and order plenty of extra olives with my very dirty vodka martini.
Betsy, 30, Washington, D.C."

Clear enough? It would be great if you could leave your entry in the comments – I know we'd all love to see! – or, if you'd prefer, by e-mail. We'll do the drawing in about a week. Good luck!

*I'd like to request that you sing this headline to the tune of the Flintstones, because every time I've thought about getting this together in the past few months, that is exactly what runs through my head.

**I'd also like to request that you only enter the contest to win these items for yourself (or, I suppose, gift to someone who will love them dearly), and not turn around and resell them on eBay or something. That kind of kills the spirit of things, you know?


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