Breaking News
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Info Post
oh jeez. somebody calm my eighty-year-old-woman nerves down. i just found a really good hairstraightener online for 60$ with 6$ shipping. I squealed and immediately purchased it via my paypal account.
now i'm freaking out thinking about how bluemobile is probably a scam and i will lose my 66$ and be without a straightener.
why oh why am i so paranoid?
maybe its the fact that the spa next door to my little office space is glueing carpets down and the smell of the glue has me somewhere between loopy and nauseous. or maybe its because i forgot my lunch on the counter this morning and have only 2 cups of coffee in my belly untill 8pm and the whole thing is making me quite fritsy.

either way, i finally built up the guts to bring my laptop to work, and if i get in trouble, well i'll just apologise and bring it home with me.

onto current news:

- i'm so happy that stef is back from her surgery. living with my gorgeous and good-smelling best friend is literally the most exciting thing in the universe.

- spring fever.

- new job vs. old job :

new job old job

new job: - 3$ more per hour than stikeman
- super adorable boss who is constantly trying to make sure im happy
- little office with no smelly co workers flooded constantly in sunlight
- once its built, terrasse i can sit out on in the summer time
- sweet shift
- nobody to make me feel guilty about having nothing to do

old job: - 3$ less per hour than here
- stinky annoying ignorant french boss who couldnt even spell the word Shit
- super annoying bitter hags as co workers
- no desk of my own, forced to stand all day
- lots of stapling and monotonous photocopies to do
- no window or means to tell what time of day it is
- constant guilt and OBLIGATION to do overtime every week.

i'd say the only downside is the lack of any real breaktime, except my whole day is breaktime. also, i don't work with stef anymore. but i do see her every morning upon waking and every night before bed.

life is good.



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