Breaking News
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Info Post

Courtesy of the dressing room mirrors at Filene's which I suggest you avoid during the lunchtime hour at. All. Costs. Insanity!

Also, this is one of my new favorite outfits, currently in heavy rotation. Here we have:

+Kids' actual uniform dress: $5 at Value Village. (Yes, seriously! Isn't it great? It reminds me of something Mooka Kinney might make.)
+Basic white t-shirt: Target. $10.
+Long yellow scarf, tied as a bow: Old Navy. Uh, $10?
+The ubiquitous dark tights.
+Eleanor Grosch bluebird Mary Jane Keds, which are now on major sale. I wouldn't run miles in them – perhaps you remember a little incident I like to call "The Time I Walked All Around Paris in Keds and my Feet Nearly Fell Off"? -- but they're pretty good jaunting-around-town shoes.
+I was also wearing a cherry red vintage coat on top, but that – as you can see – is in a ball on the dressing room stool. Oops.

Here's my slightly blurry bottom half, just for kicks:

*Except for the tights, which I have totally ditched. Because, have you been outside yet? {Er, in D.C.?} It is like 75 degrees and sunny! {Which is like 24 degrees and sunny, for those of you who live in a Celsius world. In any system, that translates to: just lovely.}


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