Friday: cleaning out my room (the constant clutter is too much!)
Saturday: going to Burlington, VT for a little shopping trip (oh, how I miss you Recycle North, Great Harvest, Battery Street Jeans, Sneakers, Boeve's, The Lamp Shop!!!)
Sunday: stopping by a flea market in NH on our way back to Boston
AND getting things in place for etsy!
Yes, uh-huh... that means the shop will actually have things in it! Sunday night!
Sally Jane sent the sweetest words of encouragement my way, and it was exactly the little kick I needed to get my act together - so, just a few more days, I promise.
I was trying to take some photos yesterday, and I decided I just don't have enough things to my liking, so that explains this crazy shopping extravaganza. I'm also itching for a new computer, and all etsy sales will be going directly to Apple so I can be a normal internet girl once again.
here's a little tiny preview of what's to come. (I ended up ditching the pink background for the real photo, but Lou was being such a funny thing, I had to post this one)
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