I hope you are ready to be bombarded with a variety of christmas themed posts for the remainder of the month! Starting with this christmas playlist that I arranged just for you, dear readers! Thank you all for sharing with me a bit about yourselves in the previous post and I encourage any more new readers to do the same, you are an inspiring and wonderful lot.
We've settled in comfortably to our new abode and are happily in the process (my favourite) of nesting and collecting furniture on which to place our rather expansive (thank you pasadena flea market!) collection of knick knacks. If any New York dwellers have suggestions for cheap and handsome furniture we would really appreciate it. This is the first time since leaving Vancouver that we've actually had a bedroom! Generally when entertaining company we all end up in (not unlike the grandparents in charlie and the chocolate factory) our bed eating, watching movies, playing board games or sleeping (up to five people once) now those things will be happening in our very own living room, like proper adults (will make for much cleaner mattress, I think our movers were a bit shocked at the site of our broccoli, wine, menstrual and flu stained mattress, I could only smile with my eyebrows up and shrug a little about it, certainly they've seen worse). Hopefully later this week I can share pictures of a moderately furnished apartment with you!
Enjoy the christmas jams! I'm planning on uploading one playlist a week until christmas (yes, I have that much and more christmas music at my disposal, clearly a woman obsessed).
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