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Friday, December 18, 2009

Info Post

I think this might be the very last of the outdoor photoshoots Mike and I do until April or May. Since this day (which was also very cold) temperatures in Montreal have dropped to about -20 degrees (Celsius of course), and me standing outside in open toe shoes and silk playsuits just won't be an option anymore, even if it is only for the few seconds it took me to stand there for Mike to snap these.
Either way, I thought I'd share my white Christmas weather with all of you who don't get snow for Christmas. I hate Winter, I'm not a very Winter-Sporty kind of girl and most winters I end up feeling sort of blue because my bundled up sprints from my door to the subway don't provide enough sunlight or fresh air for my brain! But this year I'm determined to invest in some really warm, modern Northern outerwear and do things like build snowmen and go ice skating and take walks on the mountain and maybe I'll even attempt skiing again, although I don't know how willing my brain will be to let me plummet down a mountain at full speed....last time I tried I was in Alberta and I gave up after one run and sat in the cabin drinking hot rhum Toddy's all weekend!

I'm strangely unexcited for Christmas this year. Maybe it's because my exams go right up until the 22nd and I am more focused on those, but even though most of my shopping is done and my outfits are planned, it just isn't really sinking in that it's a week away today!
Now back to that hot pot of coffee and the less than exciting British Lit exam I have to study tonight. I think English Literature is making me hate some of those old British poets I loved so dearly before they became the topics of the essays I have to write by the end of today! Ah!


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