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Friday, November 28, 2008

Info Post
I hope everyone had a wonderful T-Givingz. Ours was great, full of reminiscing and Judy Grimes impersonations and excellent food. Towards the end the parents and kids* gathered together and had an intense jam seshhhh.

Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Peter Paul & Mary. Obviously a bunch of former Woodstockers whose heydey was the 60's and 70's would know these by heart. It was like awwwwwwsome man dude you are like in my headddd.

This is what I wore, though I don't know what made me gravitate towards the 3 belts. Inspired by a DIY Nice & Shiny epicly created, I tied measuring tape around my waist a few days ago (I guess I'll post that outfit this weekend) and thought I'd do it again. I didn't attach a clasp though, just tie it. Lazy? Cheap? Me? Yeah.

Can you tell what animal I'm being here? WRONG. I'm a schizophrenic teddy bear that THINKS it's a turkey. God, it was so obvious, I have no clue how you could get that wrong. *shunz 4 lief*

I took outfit pictures before we left, but at last minute switched it over to 1 belt so I would have room for food (Because we all know that's the real point of Thanksgiving! Anyone who has been spoonfeeding you crap about loving your family and the history of our country and being thankful is a downright liar!)

gray sweater, urban outfitters (gift). red skirt, target. tights, H&M. belts and headband, thrift/idk/gift.

Well, I am currently listening to the billion Christmas songs my sister's iTunes possesses, and I don't feel guilty about it! Now it just needs to freaking SNOW and we will all be SATISFIED. Look how sunny these pictures are! Wtf, weather man? Do I have to come down to the news station and demand you make it snow AGAIN like I did LAST YEAR? You know, weathermen are supposed to be good at predicting weather; wouldn't you be able to predict that tons of children want it to snow by now? Or are you just a really BAD meteorologist? Yeah, I'd say the second one.

*kids meaning the children of the parents. I think I was the only technical kid, everyone else is high school and older.


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