Breaking News
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Info Post
[Photos Ari Seth Cohen /Text Maayan Zilberman]
We noticed Joan in front of the Reebok Sports Club near Lincoln Center, she was actually stopping another beautiful woman to compliment her on her fabulous style. What struck us was her fresh take on casual dressing, in a belted vintage camouflage jacket, leggings, and military style wedge boots. She had just walked out of a facial appointment, and without makeup she had the dewy look we all pay a fortune to achieve.Its a rare moment we have a model who looks this vibrant without a touch of product.

Joan is known for her work as an Image Consultant, and has also been a talk show host and airline stewardess. She has given seminars on “Corporate Image” and you might even recognize her from an interview in Seamless (2005) on the Sundance Channel!We have a lot to learn from Joan’s take on casual elegance and naturalist approach to makeup.Luckily, she’s still offering her services.... Here is her website,


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