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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Info Post

After the Ball Julius LeBlanc Stewart

The Serenade Eugene De Blaas.
Jeune Femme Denudee Sur Canape Guillaume Seignac
Thank you so much for all your tales of (romantic) woe! You made my decision quite difficult, but I have found my lucky lady - congratulations Miss Kensey Crane! I can't tell you how cute it was to envision a tiny Kensey performing these desperate acts of love. Thank you all for participating and I must make special mention of all the gassy ladies (and their mums), friends, you are not alone! For awhile my diet consisted almost entirely of beans and rice (something I am considering doing again as am presently a itchy mess playing hostess to a variety of itchy spots on my face due to recent dairy, caffeine and wheat consumption). I apologize for my tardy announcement but my internet time has been limited lately as we only have one computer and Landon has (quite fortunately) been a busy bee working on computer leaving me to sit and stare at paper and paints (and much to my chins chagrin, eat cheese). I will hopefully have more time this week to properly update blog and respond to emails and comments! (ps have made a few small updates to shop)


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