I have today off from work! Ah yes, good 'ol Patriots Day or Evacuation Day or Bunker Hill Day - Boston has so many silly holidays I never know what's what... I've spent my days tucked inside cleaning and also out exploring at our first outdoor flea market of the year! I took home that sweet 'lil bunny and now I'm going crazy with pink and frilliness! The inspiration comes from the starlets of old Hollywood and what I imagine their movie trailers to look like. (I think these daydreams come from this photo and this one too!) I'm really happy with this little nook now. I have some of my favorite items tucked over here and it's nice to wake up to that in the morning! Things will be complete once I pick up some more plants for my window sills...

I even threw on an outfit inspired by the new corner this morning! The pink of the pillow and the green which will eventually by my new plants (that's happening very soon actually, Alice and I are about to leave to go shopping!) I did end up changing though - I just don't feel like wearing heels and lugging plants around right now - but I like this color combination a bunch and I can't wait to wear it when I visit San Francisco in a few weeks!
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