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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Info Post

Peggy Wang and I met recently on an ultra glamorous film set (I'll tell more in a couple weeks)!! All I remember is I was dressed as a romper wearing unicorn/vampire and she looked super pretty in a shimmery dress and her perfect doll-like hair. After chatting for a bit I realized she plays keyboard and sings for the pains of being pure at heart, a band I have been doing the jitterbug to for weeks! Let's get to know peggy...

~ Peggy
age ~ 29

Dear Peggy, you are one of the most adorable people I have ever met!
thanks! so are you! i'm not just saying that!

where is home to you?
i'd say NYC. i grew up in new orleans until i was about 21. but it was my dream to move to new york, ever since i watched the first season of the Real World in 7th grade.

what did you daydream about when you were a kid?
I read a lot of books about teenage girls, so I guess I fantasized a lot about having an alternate life, like, being a detective or being in a club of babysitters. I was definitely a loner, my parents were never home, and I was an only child, so I spent a lot of time inside my own head. I guess I had a crush on Evan Dando, ha ha. I think I daydreamed about what it would be like to be Juliana Hatfield and get to hang out with Evan Dando.

ha! tell me about the 1st band you were in? was it awesome?
I was in a band in 8th grade called Tabitha 101 with my best friend Susannah. We did a cover of "Hamster Baby" by Bikini Kill and "Molly's Lips" by the Vaselines - via Nirvana of course. But I had just learned to play guitar and I knew about 5 chords, and I wrote some originals too. We played at this coffeehouse around the corner from our school. I sort of romanticize that time period. We listened to Frumpies 7"s, a lot of Bratmobile, and it was this very intense romantic friendship. We recorded a cassette single on a pink boombox with 3 songs on it, and I sold them to our classmates for $2.

what was your style like during your teenage years? what one piece of clothing would steal back from that time?

I went through SO many phases, I can't even tell you. I had my mod sixties phase in 7th grade, where I listened to a lot of Deee-Lite, and i had this short tomato red polyester dress that fit perfectly, it was so cute. Then I had my grunge/goth phase where I wore combat boots and maroon tank dresses and flannel and stuff. I think I really wish I could steal back some of my mom's silk camp shirts that she bought on sale at Express. She also had some awesome rhinestone belts! Oh man, and I remember I had these floral leggings from Limited Too...and paisley tights from there too. I was such a mallrat! I also miss my old Benetton sweaters.

how would you describe your style now?

It's funny, I used to be such a clotheshorse, buying tons of stuff off eBay and from thrift stores and avidly looking at fashion magazines and blogs and stuff. Since I'm so busy with working and the band now, I've definitely mellowed out. I just try to find a few key pieces that I feel really comfortable in and wear them every day. During the summer, I like rompers and shorts. I have these Acne sandals I got at a sample sale I plan on wearing every day, they're like Birkenstocks but they have an extra strap so they look tougher and more gladiator-like. During the winter, I like baggy shirts and sweaters and leggings and motorcycle boots. It's weird, I either dress super girly or super tomboy.

favorite song of the moment?
"Our Lips Are Sealed" by the Fun Boy Three. And also "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night" by the Television Personalities. They're both covers!

what was the last movie you watched?
I can't remember because I never watch movies, oddly. But last night I watched a few episodes of the Sweet Valley High tv show. They're on Netflix. It is sooooo bad. Not even so bad it's good. The last show I was addicted to is Friday Night Lights. I like television shows better because you really get into the heads of the characters. Most movies have poor character development, and I can't relate to them.

favorite ice cream flavor?

I like the taro ice cream from Chinatown Ice Cream Factory.

favorite thing to do on a sunday afternoon?

I like food shopping! Like someplace far away that I don't normally have time to go to during the week. I like going to Whole Foods and looking at vitamins and body products for 2 hours! Sounds really lame, but it's that feeling of "I have all the time in the world...I can just peruse and take all the time I want." And there's that flea market on Avenue A and 12th street that's just like a fun neighborhood place to go, and nothing's overpriced there.

how much do you love being in a successful band?

It's so amazing to get to travel to places I've never been, with people I love. That's really the best part. I don't really care about the fame aspect of it, just because I feel like just like there are people who love you, there are people who hate you just as well. It's all so fleeting and something I try not to think about. The part I want to concentrate on is having really awesome experiences. I've never traveled much, or been to France or Italy or Germany. This summer I'll get to do all that. But like, even getting to do this interview! It's nice that people want to know more about me, not to mention all the cool people I've met and will meet through being in the band.

if you weren't in a band what would you be doing?

I think I'd probably focus on being productive in other ways, like making something fashion-related, or concentrating on writing. Someone just gave me a bedazzler and I need to figure out some projects for it! For my job, I write lots of little short blurbs, but I want to get back into writing longer-form articles.

best moment of your life so far?

I always tell people that the best night of my life was the one and only time I did acid after a rave when i was 15 and then had a slumber party with two of my girl friends. I don't really think it was the best night of my life, but it was a fun thing I will never do again.

thank you peggy!

{listening to ~ the pains of being pure at heart.ramona}


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