Breaking News
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Info Post

Drumroll, please.........

I now present to you Strike Match Vintage. Items will be in the store by tonight (21/22 July) and I'll try to update with large amounts of new items every two weeks after that. During this I've found out what hard work it is! Descriptions are hard to write, photos take forever, and especially in Australia, international shipping is a nightmare.

But it's been a learning experience, and a lot of fun too! Here is some of the first items -

Floral shirt dress

Black Glitter Jumper Dress - Super Warm

Floral Pastel Pencil Skirt

Plus a lot more. After this I really have new respect for other stylish bloggers who maintain a vintage store and a blog. It's super time consuming.

Note: It also appears that I definately have a best side... (joke)

Also - I'd like to thank everyone for their insight into why they started blogging. It seems as though recently there has been a spate of bloggers who's intention is to become an internet celebrity or get a lot site traffic. It's nice to know that there are still people out there who are blogging for the right reasons!


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