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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Info Post
Sometimes I look at other peoples blog names and I think "Well, I probably should have thought mine though a little bit more." Probably because it seems to have nothing to do with fashion - I added the fashion explosion bit to give people more of an idea. Some of my favourite fashion related blog names are:

Fashion Hayley Hits Home - It just sounds cool, and vibrant. You also know who writes it and what it is about. Genius. This also kind of fits into my second category.
The Clothes Horse - Simple, elegant and it's fairly obvious about what it is about.

Thrills and Frills - Cute and fun and you also get the idea that it's not just a shopping blog but a little bit personal too.

Then there are the names where the title is the name/screen name of the person. This is a good idea too because you don't necessarily have to stick to fashion but it gives you a strong 'brand' that you can establish (this probably isn't people's intention but what I mean is someone always knows its you when you are commenting and you have a very distinct styles). Blog names that fit more into this category are -

Lady Melbourne - I love her blog, it's well written and beautifully photographed.

Smaggle Style - Smaggle is such a great word. Lady Smaggle smaggles you. It's infectious (but not in a bad way like a disease).

Liebemarlene - Again, this is used in her flickr, eBay, blog etc. It's cute and it gives a nod to her heritage.

My name Strike Match probably fits better in the second category but it's not particularly personal nor do I see Strike Match as sort of my persona. It's simply a phrase that seemed to come up in songs by some of my favourite bands (Thursday (Jet Black New Year) and some Alexisonfire songs.

It also seemed like a 'fast, explosive, exciting' sort of phrase if that makes sense. After writing this, its funny how names do feel sort of personal. I'm interested to hear the stories of other people's name too, if you're interested in sharing.

Also, this dancing in the rain is kind of addictive...

It is raining (you just can't see it in the picture) and I am soaked but having fun! My favourite dress ever - thrift, navy gym leggings - thrift, white shoes of goodness - thrift.


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