Okay, I'm back.. for a few minutes at least.. it's Amsterdam International Fashion Week, AIFW. I'm running around, working in between and sleeping the hours that are left before the hectique starts all over again. Anyway, so far so good, and since my macbook almost died, I'm only using email, myspace and facebook thourgh my mobile for a short while now.
Having a lot of feeling to blog about, also some stories, working for new magazines, going to do some major things and more aswell. Also, I neeeeeeeed! a room in Amsterdam, or maybe, who knows, somewhere else, not too expensive, so if anyone can help me out: please!
What else? Ehm... Rihanna has a great new vid, I've just seen it.. the styling is great! Working on a few things for media from Dazed Digital to L'Officiel NL and more.. will keep you guys updated. Gotta run now, be fierce ya'll, haha. x
On the photo, Joost Vandebrug and myself after a shooting with a new black upcoming topmodel, she;s like 6'2, insane and gorgeous!
Okay, byeeee! x
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