Breaking News
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Info Post
I just signed up for a medical research trial thingie with algorithme pharma thanks to isabel's sound advice!
it sounds like sheer perfection, except for one million blood tests!
2 weekend stays at the clinic when they test the difference between the brandname version of an already-on-the-market drug used to treat hypertension, versus the generic brand of the same drug.
followed by three early morning blood tests during the week following the clinic-stay.

i have to go for a physical on thursday morning to see if i check out. But so far the phone interview qualifies me as eligible for it.
If this physical exam works out i will probably shit my pants at the thought of all those blood sucking needles, but 1110$ in my pocket will be motivation enough for me.

i don't even have to miss an hour of work!! oh god please don't make this one of those too-good-to-be-true things!!!!!


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