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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Info Post
Secret Paths

I was debating keeping this item for last and featuring everything else first, but I couldn't help myself! This dress was one of the many, many treasures in the giant box Brianne sent me for our swap! It originally fell around my ankles and when I tried it on I looked like I was six playing dress up with my mom's clothes, but a little bit of magic on behalf of my miracle working Grandmother (I didn't trust myself with such a pretty item!), and it was fit to be debuted!

Secret Paths
Secret Paths

In the 2 or more years Mike and I have been dating, he still hasn't hiked to the top of Mont Saint Hilaire - which is where I grew up. We had Lola with us, and the mountain is a nature reserve owned by a prissy University who won't let me bring my dog up on their trails, so instead we drove around the mountain to the other side and found a secret path to hike. There were signs that said no trespassing and had I still been in rural Mississippi, there is no WAY I would have had the guts to venture out (probably due to my Father suggesting Deliverance as a pre road trip movie night)....but since we were in my safe little boonie town in Canada, we totally went for it! Not only did we feel super duper rebellious, but we also stumbled across a little teeny paradise complete with big open sunny fields, a waterfall and some pretty astonishing greenery! Bugs and creepy outhouses in the middle of the wilderness are what eventually sent us back on our way! But I'm glad that McGill University doesn't allow dogs now, because it lead us to this little sanctuary! :D

Secret Paths


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