The building is now my mum's and it wasn't until last year that I finally explored the upstairs floors of the building. My mom was pulling out Art Deco milk glass ceiling fixtures and it dawned on me that I should probably take a look for myself. And holy heck. I wish I hadn't waited so long!

It's two floors of beautiful wallpaper. Perfectly peeling paint. Tin walls and ceilings. Wooden floor boards. And a few stoves and a claw foot tub too! The only problem is that there's no electricity up there and many of the rooms are dark.

I talked to my Great Uncle about what used to be up there, and I guess it started off as a Masonic Lodge and then it was a Put 'n Chip - you know, like indoor golf! After the fella who owned the Put 'n Chip passed away it just fell into a sleepy state of decay and it's been empty for the past 50 years.

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There's no heat, no running water, no electricity. The roof leaks... It needs so much work. But, I think about this place practically every day and daydream about how amazing it could be.

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There's a handful of more photos to share... Mostly me running around the place in one of my lace dresses, too lazy to try and put a real outfit together because it was sooo cold that day! Tomorrow I'll share!
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