Summer hairstyle inspirations! Click the photos for their original sources - thank you kind people of flickr for the endless amounts of inspiration you've shared. I made a little gallery featuring more summer hair-dos to inspire. I've also been keeping a tumblr (late on this bandwagon) account to fill with various photographic inspirations here.
I answered a few questions that were asked in my last post here. Thank you for all your kind comments! Also like to thank the lovely ladies over at BALLAD OF for their kind comments and featuring this blog amongst such a great lot of inspiration. Check out their magazine and contribute to their next issue!
One last thing before I get back to working on getting future Ebay store sorted (will keep you abreast of any news regarding the shop). A few months ago (thanksgiving day to be exact) Landon, Rebecca and I were at Whole Foods in Union Square and a beautiful girl in a brown dress approached us and confessed to reading this blog. Are you still reading this blog beautiful brown dress girl? Cos if you are I'd like to be your friend. Landon was harassing me to approach you for a number (I feel like such a creep as lately Landon has been trying to set me up on dates and nudging me towards young ladies at our local watering hole) but I was too shy. So, if you happen to read this rather belated missed connection leave me a comment and let's have a date!
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