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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Like most girls, I'm a big fan of the adorable indie fashion icon Blythe. I only have one Blythe doll myself, so I try to variey her style as much as possible without making too many permanent changes in her apparence. That's why I think the wig is a great way of chainging hairstyles without cutting hair of opening scalps! And this is how you make one with yarn and an old sock:

To start with, I french braid all the doll hair around the scalp to get it out of the way. (If you don't know how to french braid, there are lots of helpful tutorials all over the internet!)

Next step is to cut the prepared sock in half (The sock should have the exact or similar colour to the yarn). Use the toe-end of the sock and make sure it covers all of Blythes hair:

Now you need a book (or something else that might work) and twist the yarn around it. This is how long the hair will be in the end so make sure you're happy with the lenght.

Now you cut the yarn at one end of the book, leaving lots of threads

In the next step, you need a big needle to sew in all of the threads in the sock. Leave equally long bits of yarn on each side and tie them in the middle

You can place the sock over Blythes head to get an idea of the finished result. Keep sewing yarn in to the sock until it's completely covered

When You have enough yarn sewn in, you start to separate the yarn bits (they are usually 3 threads twisted together). This will make the hair seem more like natural curls.

Finally you cut the hair into a hairstyle you like:

And voila! here's the finished result!


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