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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Info Post
I'm at my mum and dad's home and it's been a perfect snowy day filled with lots of home cooked hearty meals (including apple crisp and chocolate chip cookies!) and in honor of my mum's wonderful cooking I thought I'd share these sweet little images a dear friend forwarded my way!

I myself haven't done any cooking today - instead I've been working on my scout merits and tending to the fireplace and maybeee roasting a marshmallow or two or three... But - for those of you who decided to stay inside and stay warm and cook - these are for you!

The Kitchen People

Kitchen People, pt. 2


Measuring Spoons

Raddish Bunch

"I declare! He's right!"

Thank you kindly, Miss.

"This hat's crazy!"

"Oh my lid!"


"Oh yes, here it is."

A Sauce Pan is a funny thing.

Oh, hum-m-m! O, yah, yah, yah/

. . .

And for good measure - here are some of the cute little guys that I found in that book.. un-related to cooking, but too sweet not to share.

"He'll be like the frog."

"Let's give it to Jubey."

"Hello, Sister."

Three Cats


Then he bragged

As hungry as two bears.


Jubey led all the hungry cats in the world.

* If you'd like to repost, please use proper reposting-etiquette; contact me or link back. Thanks!


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