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Saturday, June 13, 2009

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a picnic! at a fort!

Friday couldn't have come soon enough for Mike and I and as soon as his work day ended we rushed out of the city across the river and down to the town of Chambly to have a picnic at the Fort there! I haven't been inside since my elementary school took us on a field trip there, and I would have loved to go in and take pictures, but the place closed at 4pm to visitors. So instead we settled our blanket by the water, tied Lola to a tree and enjoyed our bottle of Merlot and some cheese and bread, channeling Paris the best way we knew how!

the chambly basin

The weather was perfect and as Mike dozed off in the shade, I got right into Nancy Mitford's "Highland Fling" - one of the nine fantastic books I scored at a used bookstore near Mike's place! - I still haven't finished reading the Letters Between Six Sisters bio of the Mitford girls, but the book is so darn heavy it's hard to carry around in my little purse, so I save that one for bedtime reading and am reading her novels as public transit and picnic reads!

the chambly basin

Tonight I'll be sharing in a pitcher of Sangria with my sister and her lovely friends to celebrate her best friend Sam's final days as an unmarried gal! It should be loads of fun and at least mildly humiliating for her - in a good way of course - and I'm looking forward to it!

Tonight also represents the official 7 day count down until my freedom! As of next Sunday I'll be done my summer classes, my final exams AND my job! And on top of that, I'll be moving back to my parents place for the summer, which means lots of time for visiting Grandma, long car rides to pretty locations, thrifting new items for Red Letter Days and jogging with Lola!

May your Sundays be as lazy as mine!


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