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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Info Post
Spring means hats to me. I've always loved to wear hats, since I was little. Hats add so much character to a person!

Here are some of the hats I keep in my collection. I have plenty more still at my parents place, but these are the ones I use today:

The Vagabond

The vagabond hat is a mysterious old hat I bought in Germany. It's very simple and classic looking but has a lovely feeling about it which seems dreamy and intriguing

Le Patron

Le Patron is a lovely little hat which used to belong to my grandmother. It's got a nice cut which makes it seem almost uniform-like. This hat is powerful and confident.

The Flowerchild

This beautiful hat has been my favorite for some time! It was my mother's originally. It has a beautiful flowy and organic feel to it. It's my most romantic hat!

The Explorer

This hat was my absolute favorite when I was 13-14 years old. I was teased a lot for it, but never gave it up! It evokes such a great fantasy of the 1930's explorer who is always up for new adventures. That's who I wanted to be when I was a teenager

The California Dream

This hat is actually really similar to the Flowerchild, and it also belonged to my mother in her youth. However this one is smaller, and the color gives you a whole different association. It's a very happy and fun hat and it gets attention!

The Boheme

This hat was knitted for me by my grandmother, during my bohemian goth period in life. I still wear it a lot since it's such a discrete and casual yet elegant hat!

The Girlfriend

This is a very sweet, velvet hat which also used to belong to my grandmother. It has a very friendly and innocent feel about it!


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