To whomever this may concern,
For the last four years I've been blogging and blogging, sharing my ideas and stories - etc.
These last couple of months the time and urge to blog became less and less and well, Twitter became the new addiction.
But what is Twitter with so many messages and no real page where I can simply keep a photo-diary/mind-flick?
I mean, I like to just go somewhere and have a small diary-overview-thingy!
That's why I started a Tumblr: SONNYGROO.TUMBLR.COM
For how long it will be fun, I have no idea.
In a way, the blog is where it all started, the very first chapter.
But perhaps it's time to wave goodbye and see where Tumblr will take me.
As for now, I wave bye bye to this blog and my long-lasting nickname ABDUL LAGERFIELD.
It's almost as if the little kid in me is growing up, ha.
And since I'm promoting myself anyways, MYKROMAG.COM for mucho more.
Lots of love from London,
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