The very, very first time I went to San Francisco my boyfriend took me to this really nice little park called Lands End. It was literally the first thing I did after I landed (well, besides In N Out) and I haven't been back since. This past Tuesday was a pretty magical day. In fact, it might be the day I'll mark down as my favorite in all of my San Francisco history. It was hot. Like, 90s hot. And it stayed that way through the night. No fog, no mist, no wind. Just perfect East Coast summer weather, minus most of the humidity. It was a total freak show day because of course it's back to grey cold windy miserableness. But, in honor of the sun, I made mint lemonade. (a lazy recipe of sorts to come) and we went bak to Lands End for a crystal clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge. It's was perfect.

I'm wearing some tapestry flats from etsy and a 30s pink voile dress from ebay. There's a panel of horizontal pintucks all through the center and little lacey bits around the arms and neckline. It was cheap, but there were some issues - an unfinished hem and terrible blue ink stains all around the arms... After soaking it for 3 days in hot oxy clean baths the ink came up and I finallly got around to fixing the hem on Monday night. It's a size too big, but I don't care one bit!
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