Breaking News
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Info Post

I'm home for the holidays as they say, but they also say you can never go home again, and for me who is basically a professional transient, I'm obliged to agree with that. I spent the holiday with Aaron's family, some of my oldest friends, and my grandmother who you've probably seen on my Twitter. I'm feeling the winds of change at my back and responding in all sorts of ways, could be as simple as a haircut, or as drastic as throwing out my old stuff--the old life. I also declared that I'm going to retire, sounds quite grand, and I don't know what that means yet, but I definitely decided things are in need of a change; I like to be overly dramatic and throw around those kinds of words like retire, but I do carry with it an intent. I respond like a cat being forced into a bathtub when I feel like I am being herded like cattle--and I can see very clearly that the herding has begun. I think that I solidly decided that I don't want to do any fashion week type things this year (I'm sure I'll be back, its like a drug), and I also plan on continuing my stance of not accepting any advertisers or any sort of pay-for-play kind of things here--just real life, real friendships, real people--no bank transactions. I definitely don't frown upon anyone who does though, before you get out your pitchforks and chase me out of the city gates, it's just not for me--but more power to you entrepreneurs out there! I kind of want to investigate other rabbit holes after digging myself out of the one I went down in 2006, and it took me all that time to find my way to the other side. I hate to say it, but Penny Lane nailed it in Almost Famous, "Wake up! I'm retired--and I never believed you anyway."


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