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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Info Post
I love lurex and metallics, for that matter. I have trouble comprehending why people consider these things heinous. Maybe they are only appropriate for a certain age group but most things if people put in the effort can be made age appropriate. Except things like crochet and Crocs. Which no one should wear. Ever.

So last Friday I went out on the town, partying it up as some may say. Prior to the night beginning Alex and I went to Hackett's house and playing Wii sports. I am a gun at pitching but no so much at batting. Then, there was the final OC ever party, which was interesting because by the end of the last two episodes (they were shown back to back here) the only outcome which would have satisfied everyone is if the whole of Orange County died. That clearly didn't happen so there was quite the uproar.

Then there was Frank's 19th. Shout out to Frank, he's a pretty rad dude. His party was like one of those crazy high school parties where heaps of stuff gets trashed. I felt really old even though I'm not. That doesn't make much sense. Then Alex and I walked 3/4 of the way to my house, which was a mistake and I regretted later (it was a lo0o0o0o0o0ong way).

My outfit for the evening was a fairly gross silver lurex t-shirt dress over a black long sleeve shirt, black argyle tights and red socks. Needless to say walking home was tragic. Speaking of tragic, I still have reservations about metallic tights, especially white ones. I don't think that anyone can really pull that off, but hey, surprise me.


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