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Monday, November 15, 2010

Info Post

Today was a really sad day for me as far as camera stuff goes... my 35mm lens has been on the fritz for the past month and it officially bit the dust this afternoon. I can't decide if I want to try and get it fixed or maybe just buy a 50mm lens instead.. My computer has also seen better days, and of course I fell asleep watching Law & Order SVU on netflix watch it now and I woke up at 1:45 am to a loud thud, which was my knee pushing my computer 4 feet off the bed and onto the hardwood floor. Thankfully it's working still - but I fear its ultimate demise is quickly approaching.

Anywayyyy, here are some blurry photos from yesterday afternoon. The weather here has been so good, in the 70s!! It's been really great not to worry about tights and warm layers. My dress is a teeny tiny teenagers dress from the 30s that I found at the flea market. I can't actually snap the snaps shut, so a cardigan is mandatory. The shoesies are from Maria's lovely shop, Adelaide Homesewn.


Oh! and my backpack! A really lucky flea market find from last month when Alice was here with me.. It was supposed to be a birthday present for my boyfriend but, I haven't let him use it. Not even once.. Whoops!

back pack


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