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Monday, July 20, 2009

Info Post

We bid adieu to Memphis around midday after a very early morning visit to Graceland upon the advice of the lovely Quincy over at Q's Daydream! We didn't go inside (we never do) but the grounds were lovely and we got our Elvis fill over at some tacky souvenir shops on Beale street before heading out to Oxford, where we are now.

Ruffled Feathers

I'm sitting in the High Point Cafe in the town square with Mike - we're reworking the end of our trip to include Chicago because Mike just found the drum set of his dreams there for a ridiculous price! I'm so, so excited that I'm going to get to see Chicago finally because I've been dreaming about visiting the city for years now!
On our way to Oxford we stopped in at the cutest little antique shop along the interstate called Ruffled Feathers (photo above)! The old lady who runs the place is a full blown chatterbox (in a good way) and will tell you a story about each and every item you pick up! I found a really great hand bag and Mike finally got his hands on a King Crimson record, which he'd been on the lookout for ever since reading that Bowie biography my Mom bought him for Christmas.

Absalom! Absalom!

We headed over to Faulkner's house today ready to pay whatever the price was for the tour since we've both been so excited to see the room where he wrote half of The Fable on the walls! Luckily for us it's only 5$ to get in and see the house....unfortunately it is closed to visitors on Mondays...which happens to be today! The good thing about it being closed is that it was deserted and we spent the whole afternoon reading in the grass in his beautiful back yard.... (I was reading Absalom! Absalom! - I felt pretty good about myself reading Faulkner at his own house!) and pretending it was just another Monday at our beautiful Oxford home!

Absalom! Absalom!

Tomorrow morning we'll be the first in line to visit the house and then we're off to Atlanta for another exciting meet up!!

Absalom! Absalom!

Thank you all for leaving me such wonderful comments!!! I'm still reading all of your blogs even if I haven't had much time to comment!!!

**I don't know if the rest of you are as gullible and superstitious as I am, but I'm pretty sure William Faulkner is haunting that last picture! Check out the freaky orb in the top right! **


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