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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Info Post
Twoooo blog posts in one day!? I feel like I'm on blog post overload right now, I'm totally back logged! I wanted to do this post tomorrow but there's too much to post about and I'm going to get so far behind!

So, one of the highlights about my birthday was visiting the lovely Miss Fern Animal. She's the cutest little thing and lives in such an adorable neighborhood. Perfect! Perfect!

Ashley's neighborhood

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And this. This is amazing to me. Ashley has a really impressive collection of stuffed bebes. Some that squeak and jump and walk - some that flop over - some that are just plain cute! So, since I knew we'd be stopping by her place I rounded up as many of my stuffings as I could before we left and I very bossily re-arranged Ashley's apartment and set up this picture with the whole gang. Dang it, they're great!

Fern Animals/Snail and Cyclops team up!

And that's us. I also bossed her into smiling like that. I swear if it wasn't my birthday she probably would have hit me!

Snail and Cyclops/Fern Animals team up!


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