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Monday, July 9, 2007

Info Post
What a year it has been... Not that it is the end of the year, but still when looking at the 12 months previous, it seems that fashion has gone through so many phases... from ladylike to mod to eighties to grunge to glam rock... What's left? Obviously from the title of this post I have a prediction. Florals. I have lately been madly, madly in love with them. Not only nice large florals but silly, small grandmothers nightie florals.

The dress I got op shopping when I was at my Grandma's on the Sunshine Coast. It has appeared here before this blog however, I've since shorten it. I had no intention of wearing the overshirt thing that came with it but I've found its really fun and unexpected to wear. It's kind of like a see-through business shirt in the same pattern. It's so ugly.

* Excuse my ridiculous faces in both pictures.. All the photos where I looked decent Erin didn't and I'm not the sort of person who puts a picture of their friend looking stupid on the Internet.

The two dresses on the right are both from op shops and they are both so beautiful. The white dress reminds me of a poolside gown from the seventies. Accessories include large bangles and a cocktail. The dark blue dress is more like an opera dress. Though the picture doesn't show it, it has a fairly low back and a mini train.

As with all prints, I find that many people shy away from them because they aren't classic or are too memorable (too memorable??, who are these people that don't want to be noticed). Perhaps a solution for them is accessories... Perhaps a brooch... A bangle.. Some earrings...
Most pictures from Forgotten Romance. Prices are fairly steep though. I suggest rummaging, there are many eighties treasures to be found.
Finally, to end this very, very, very long post.... RILO KILEY have a new album... Oh yeah. It's called Under The Blacklight. The first release The Moneymaker has more of a dirty rock sound and the film clip revolves around the motivations of the porn industry. Interesting, certainly.


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