Breaking News
Monday, May 21, 2007

Info Post

The Olsen twins... Either you love them, love to hate them or just fascinated by the fact that, overlooking MK's substance abuse and Ashley's penchant for older men, they haven't really done that much in the past couple of years except put out heaps of clothing lines.

BUT.... The latest story is that the Olsen's are set to be the new Bond girls in Bond 22. Can you imagine? Twins, James Bond.. I'd see it. However, it seems that the girls wouldn't be playing hot, sexy Bond girls, rather they will have nice, pretty, non-confronting supporting roles.

Here are some recent pictures of the twins. I hope the part/s call for them to have better hair
While I love what Ashley was trying to do in the first picture, the combination of that skirt and those shoes didn't really do her any favours. However, the other two pictures are gorgeous. The middle one isn't that new but I love it.

Since you went to the effort to look at all the photos, I have to tell the truth. The 'Bond' rumour has been denied by their publicist. However, Brad and Angelina denied their 'affair' and look how that turned out. I live in hope.


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