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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Info Post

As you may know, or not, could be, I'm in London at the moment. Shooting two stories for Blend tomorrow, for their upcoming Fashion Volume Issue, coming out next February.

Today I arrived at Kate Cox her place, as she was very kind to invite me in her house, around 12ish. So we had to run to the PR Agencies to get all the items and all, and without her, I'm sure I wouldnt be sitting here so relaxed and all, ha. Then we got home, Dalston, which is very nice. And we had a bite at a friends place where Freddie also came to.

Next was a quick drink with Jouw and his new boyfriend, who I already adore, what a cool and nice guy, or well, so far, so good, ofcourse you never know how he truly is, but he looks hot though, so thats something, hmm.. yeah. Ha.

Now sitting in the livingroom while Kate is asleep, little break from making 20looks for tomorrows stories and so far, so really good. London has a lot to offer and a lot kept a secret for me, I can feel she does. Whatever will happen, I have to come here way more often!

Oh, and next time. I'm so bringing JeanPaul, who I miss, I think I can't work and live without you anymore, really. And blablabla, back to work. I already wonder how I get them zillion labels back on time by Thursday, ha. I'll manage, just took the bus and got home save aswell, pure genius. Ha. Okay, enough I'm guessing.

Adieux, gooodnight lovs. x


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