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Friday, August 10, 2012

Info Post
 After all the rain we've been having this Summer it made sense to take a few days off while the sun was miraculously shining. Making the most of this blessed weather we drove down to my mother in Law's for a few days to enjoy her beautiful garden that invites you to explore and discover all it's hidden treasures. We spent our days bathing in the sun and sampling the delights she grows, blueberries, black & red currents, gooseberries, tomatoes, runner beans to name a few... Gardening is something I have yet to master so it's all a mystery to me how she gets them to taste so good. I always find it easy to relax while I'm there, far from our bustling city they live in a quiet little village called Oakham packed with character and simple English charm. I'm sure I'll be posting more photos from our visit soon.
Photography by Nadinoo

Bikini Topshop
Bag A treasured Vintage find


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