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Friday, August 13, 2010

Info Post
[Photo & Text: Ari Seth Cohen]

I'm in San Diego for my cousin's Wedding so I thought I would call up one of my favorite Advanced Style ladies. I met Lubi at the New Museum a while back and have been inspired by her take on life and style ever since. Lubi works in science, but she has a great love for art and fashion. When we were talking she told me that she, "Dreams of Concrete" and can't wait to move to New York where she can explore more of her creative passions. Lubi's personal style is a mix of simple elegance with a touch of the avant garde

Lubi takes clean designs and accessorizes them to make them her own. Check out how she uses a basic white James Perse skirt and top to make three different unique and fashionable outfits. James Perse is one of her favorite brands because she can pair their comfortable basics with her personal touches to make wearable and artful combinations.

A few months ago I had Lubi write about letting her hair go silver and I thought I'd share it once again! I have many more photos of Lubi to post, but in the mean time enjoy her story below:

"Fashion often revolves around feeling “IN”, being safe and going along with the crowd. Well, not for me!. I was never fearful of being extraordinarily different. I was, as well, never ignored for my fashion style. For some reason, I was (I am) more considered different and somewhat mysterious than ignored. I might have been lost in my own fashion world. However, I was never unaware of what was being “IN” in the fashion industry. Looking through fashion magazines I always see something that might be barely visible to others. This is how I am able to create my own style in fashion. I was never behind on fashion, yet never quite “IN” fashion. Having said that, let’s talk about “ THE silver hair.”

At first, my hair started to develop pale, very blond streaks. These out of the blue pale stripes reminded me of platinum elegance! Nice! Very nice!!! But if you gazed at it thoroughly enough, my hair was getting gray. GRAY!!!!????. Well, some might recognize it as gray hair, age, genetics, stress, etc. I see it differently. I see it simply- SILVER. I see it as PLATINUM ELEGANCE!!!! To others it might represent a sign of age. To me it portrays a photograph of a lady brushed in silver glitter, kissed by California sun, ocean breeze and sea mist. To me, my silver hair is a MYSTERY of all mysteries.
Martin Luther said: “The hair is the richest ornament of a woman”. My portrait is painted silver. For now, I like it. Someday, I might paint it differently. "


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