Breaking News
Monday, March 29, 2010

Info Post

outfit details;
blouse: UO
skirt: thrifted
tights: UO
shoes: ASOS
sunglasses: from Rehoboth Beach

As if I wasn't already bad enough about updating this thing and replying to comments with school and a recent job change keeping me busy, then the world decided to throw apartment hunting and some sad family news in the mix. On top of all of that the internet connection we were stealing from our neighbor recently became password protected, so now I can only update my blog from work, if I think to bring my laptop with me!

I guess it isn't all so bad, this time of the school year (exams, essays, readings ah!!!!) always gets to me and I start to go a little crazy.
One thing the lack of internet at my apartment has done for my life however is made me take advantage of my downtime a little more though! The other day I made tea cup and mason jar candles with Yana (I wanna be neighbours forever!!!) and we went over some exciting photos and fonts for the final prep stages of my upcoming Etsy project! And besides that I've been lucky enough to find time to go thrifting three times in the past two weeks! So I guess it isn't all bad!

I am always really torn about posting really personal news on my blog, because while I know all of your comments will be sweet and supportive and make me feel better, I get a little creeped out about people I don't know are reading this, reading about my personal life....but we recently found out my Grandmaman has liver cancer and while she's 87, and still very healthy aside from this, we're all really hoping she won't suffer too much from this, and if it isn't too much to ask, I'd love if you could include her in your prayers, or just maybe think positive thoughts for her and send some good energy her way. She's a really special lady, and a big inspiration to me!

I hope you all had wonderful sunny weekends. Montreal is predicting gorgeous warm sunny weather this week, and right now I'm staring at just about the most perfect sunset I've seen in years, and wishing Mike were here with my camera so we could capture it! Oh well, I'll have to take a picture with my mind instead!


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