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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Info Post
I just got the rest of my film back from this past lovely long weekend and I'm sad that it's gone and over with. But, we're going on a car trip to Los Angeles on Saturday so there's more fun to be had in only 4 days! (the joys of having Valentine's Day and an anniversary so close together!)




These photos were from Valentine's day afternoon when we set up camp in one of the many clearings of Golden Gate Park and made use of some of my animal stamps! I was feeling inspired by the little child who colored in their own scenes before me so I thought it might be nice to stamp on some mini kraft envelopes and paint them in.



Well, I for one don't know a thing about using watercolors so the outcome was somewhat pathetic. And the antique animals don't seem to want to stamp (a problem I've put at the back of my mind and will try cleaning them later to see if that helps)... But luckily I brought along my other set and spent the day painting snails and sea horses!! I think this might be my new favorite thing to do, so if anyone wants in - let me know!!!!





Now, back to getting shop updates together! Gots me some bills to pay and a road trip to make some pocket monies for!!


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